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PSL Red Apple Classic - 9/23

September 23, 2023 (Saturday)


A US Chess Rated 4 Round G/30 InPerson Chess Tournament   

Legacy Preparatory Academy 601 Accent Drive, Plano,TX 75075                                                                          

Notation Not Required-Though Highly Recommended


Trophies: Top 3/section, Players wearing the most RED - special trophies!! 

Medals for positive scores of 2.5+ not earning trophies


Rob Jones/Heidi Austin Tournament Directors

Round 1: Approx 9:15am, Rest ASAP


Online Registration By Friday 12AM Midnight Friday 9.22--$ 30.00 After/Onsite $ 35.00

Online Registration Site:


Three Sections: Champ, Reserve U800, Novice U400

Boards/Sets provided-bring clocks if possible 

US chess rules apply: cupping of pieces is Touch Move


Questions: Rob Jones 214-212-0185, Heidi Austin 214-213-3868




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DISCLAIMER: The Schimelpfenig Middle School PTA is a noncommercial, nonsectarian, nonpartisan association that does not endorse any candidate or political party. This PTA does not endorse non-PTA products or services. If you have a concern, please contact a member of the PTA Executive Board.