This week is Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon week began in 1985 as a response to the murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena, an act that led people in communities across the country to begin wearing Red Ribbons as a symbol of their commitment to raising awareness about the destruction caused by drugs in America. In 1988, National Family Partnership sponsored the first National Red Ribbon Celebration. Red Ribbon week is celebrated annually from October 23-31 and serves as a way for people to come together to keep children, families, and communities safe, healthy, and drug-free. NFP suggests the following ways that families can observe this week at home:
- Use Red Ribbon Week as an opportunity to continue talking to your kids about drugs. Let them know that alcohol and drug use will not be tolerated.
- Enter the Red Ribbon Photo Contest for a chance to win an iPad for you and your family - and $1,000 for your child's school: 2021 Red Ribbon Photo Contest
- Encourage your kids and other students to take a stab at creating the 2022 National Red Ribbon Theme. Gain national recognition and $500 of Red Ribbon theme merchandise for your child's school. This year's theme was created by Marin Wurst, a 7th grader at Solon Middle School in Solon, Ohio.
- Watch Natural High’s free celebrity drug prevention videos with your child and use their discussion questions to have a conversation with them about drugs and alcohol.
- For more activity ideas, go to: Red Ribbon Week Activities for Parents.
Schimelpfenig Middle School will be observing Red Ribbon week starting today with theme days and events.