Support the SMS students and teachers by showing that you value your child’s education by joining the PTA.  Memberships start at $12 and students are only $6 with a parent membership! As a benefit to members only, you will have access to an online directory as well as PTA member discounts. Student members receive special discounts during our spring and fall socials and have the opportunity to be involved in leadership opportunities. 

Join Schimelpfenig PTA      


At School Picture Day on Thursday, August 19th, students will be issued a student ID and lanyard immediately following their picture being taken. It is an expectation that students wear their school-issued ID on a lanyard around their necks every day while they are on campus.


Mrs. Kinnard, our principal, will be sharing more details and information regarding student IDs very soon!

It was great to see so many smiling, excited faces at Panther Preview and the Back-to-School picnic last week!  


It’s hard to believe that the first day of the 2021-2022 school-year is here!  Some students are new to Schimelpfenig this year, others are returning to the building after an extended absence learning @Home, and some 6th grade students may be learning at home temporarily.  We welcome back everyone and have a few pointers for those who will be returning to the building tomorrow, August 11th!

  • Theme Days!  For the first three days of school, have fun and dress for the following:
    • Wednesday is Hawaiian Day!
    • Thursday is Sports Day!
    • Friday is Spirit Wear Day!
  • School starts at 8:25, doors open at 7:50.
  • No lockers this year.  Make sure your student can comfortably carry his/her belongings in a backpack.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle.  Your student won’t have to use water fountains, and it’s good for the environment!
  • Bring a jacket or hoodie.  The school can be cold in certain rooms!
  • School breakfast and lunch are free due to a USDA grant.  Students can always bring lunch if they prefer!
  • Masks are optional but recommended for those who are not vaccinated. 
  • If you get lost – ask for help!  Don’t worry about being late those first few days.  

How can you help your student have a great year and yourself stay informed?

Join Schimelpfenig PTA!  Becoming a member of SMS PTA ensures we have the resources to support our school and also helps support Texas PTA.  Greater numbers mean a stronger voice for our children.  Help Texas PTA advocate for our students with the state government by joining PTA today.  


Join the Schimelpfenig PTA Board!  We have the following open board positions:  VP Ways & Means, Healthy Lifestyles, School Supplies, Panther Preview (for next year).  We would love to have you join us and share your ideas!


Stay Connected!  Follow us on Facebook – Schimelpfenig Middle School PTA.  Check our website regularly at  Keep an eye out for our weekly PTA Newsletter, which will arrive via email on Mondays this year.  Make sure to sign up for eNews with Schimelpfenig MS, PISD, and maybe even Clark HS (for parents of 8th graders).


Should you have any questions, comments, ideas…or just want to join our fabulous Schimelpfenig PTA Board… please feel free to contact me any time at


Michele Rohleder 

SMS PTA President 2021-22

Visit the PISD website at: to find useful information about returning to school. Included are links to various resources, including a link to the Back to School Plan.

Our new spirit wear designs were a big hit and sold out quickly at Panther Preview -- so, we are going to have another on-line sale for spirit wear in early September!  Stay tuned for information on the sale through our Newsletter and FB page

We still have limited school supplies that can be purchased HERE.

The list of supplies needed HERE.

More info is on the School Supplies page.

Please sign up HERE to register as a PISD volunteer for 2021-2022.

Please log in and update your and your student's information and your directory publishing preferences.  This ensures that you will receive our weekly emailed newsletter.



The teacher selected School Supply Lists are ready to prepurchase NOW – TAX FREE! These will be ready for pickup at the Panther Preview before the next school year begins. Supplies will not be sold during Panther Preview so order now.


The PTA helps the teachers ensure their students have the correct supplies and helps the parents to remove one back-to-school necessity off their to-do list in the busy summer months. The supplies have been selected by the teachers with our bulk discounts to ensure a lower price. Comparing against purchasing on your own from Walmart, these prices were 35% cheaper!


Click Here to Order now!


Click Here to check 2021 School Supply List


Please note: Next year the larger binder will not be required by the school, electives supply lists are not included and will be requested directly from your electives’ teachers. Planners will be provided by the PTA to the 6th graders only.


If you have any questions, please contact

Today is the last day of school for Schimelpfenig MS!  
Before we go, we would like to congratulate all of our Reflections winners this year!  And a great job to all who submitted an entry this year.  Summer vacation is a perfect time to work on your Reflections project for next year!  Please see the entry below this note for more information about our winners.
On Tuesday, the 8th graders celebrated with a special hour-long lunch, feasting on Cane's chicken and Chipotle quesadillas.  Today is the last day to take photos in front of the Congratulatory sign.  Don't miss this opportunity to memorialize your 8th grade students, their friends, and your family at the end of this unique 2020-21 school year!  
Over summer vacation, please keep your eye out for PTA Newsletters and FB posts.  We are continuing to sell School Supplies and PTA Membership for the 2021-22 school, and will be selling new Spirit Wear later in the summer for pickup at Panther Preview.  Don't forget to continue filling our World Wear container, making your Amazon purchases through Amazon Smile (PTA Texas Congress Schimelpfenig Middle School PTA), and shopping at Kroger and Tom Thumb with your accounts linked to Schimelpfenig PTA.  
Good luck to those who are moving on to a new school next year!  See some of you back here in August!  Until then....

Council judging for the Reflections program is complete! 
Over 300 entries from all across Plano ISD were judged by generous professionals in the community. All of them were amazed at the talent we have in Plano. We were in awe that we had so many entries across the district. We were also impressed at the beautiful art from our kiddos at Schimelpfenig Middle School. Thank you for being a creative kid and participating!
It is hard to progress from the school level to the council level. But 14 kiddos from our Schimelpfenig Middle School kiddo's did progress and 4 out of the 20 were recognized!!  WOW!  We are so proud that you made it to the council level.
At Council level judging, only 10% of entries by grade division and category (for example: Primary, Dance) would get the Award of Excellence, 15%, Award of Merit and 25% Honorable Mention. From there, only ONE Award of Excellence per group could move on to represent Plano ISD for a total of 23 items across all age groups and categories.
Now, here are the results from the council:
  • Sana Dantulwar from 8th grade received an Award of Merit for her work titled "I Matter Because Nature Matters To Me"  under Visual arts
  • Sanvi Dantulwar from 8th grade received an Award of Merit for her work titled "A Pathway to Great Things"  under Visual arts
  • Sanvi Dantulwar from 8th grade received an Award of Merit for her work titled "No Matter What..." under Literature. 
  • Andrew Lee from 6th grade received an Honorable mention for his work titled "Cubing With the World" under Visual arts
This video is a celebration of you all. 


To see a specific Art Category:
  • Visual Arts: 00:40 (Kate Lee, a former SMS student, won award of excellence at the State level and won Honorable mention at the National level)
  • Photography: 6:00
  • Dance: 09:35
  • Film: 15:28
  • Literature: 21:10
  • Anthony Vu (National PTA Awardee): 24:38
  • Music: 30:42
  • Anika Damle (High School Music OAE): 36:46
Thanks again for participating in the Reflections program!! 
Please stop by after June 5th to pick up your original artwork, certificate and ribbon.
You can connect with our Reflections chair at or at 832-283-4418 

The 2021-2022 Reflections student-selected theme is I Will Change the World By…


Categories are:

  • Dance Choreography
  • Film Production
  • Literature
  • Music Composition
  • Photography
  • Visual Arts


Beginning June 1, curbside meals for children 18 years and younger are available for pick-up each Tuesday's from 9:30am - 10:30am and 4:30pm - 5:30pm.

The meal bundles can be picked up at any of the following locations:




Anyone picking up meals for students, without the student present, must bring appropriate documentation in the form of a school issued ID, report card, parent portal attendance summary form, or birth certificate.


More info can be found HERE.

Purchase discount tickets to Main Event in Plano, and Schimelpfenig PTA will earn $4 for every ticket sold!


For $22.95 per person you can purchase an all you can play, 4 hour access pass to unlimited:

  • bowling, laser tag, pool and shuffleboard
  • a $10 fun card for video games
  • 2 slices of pizza & unlimited soft drinks!
To purchase, call the Plano Sales Office at 972-881-8181, ext. 3 and identify which PTA you're supporting -- Schimelpfenig, of course! 
Tickets are good through Sept. 15, Mon-Fri, opening until 2pm arrival time. (Ticket value is $40)




Order Spirit Wear

Panther News


     Jostens Yearbook 

The mission of Plano ISD's Family Education and Guidance Services is to strengthen all families in the community by providing education, resources and services which support raising responsible, self-confident, emotionally healthy children in today's complex society. Please visit HERE to gain access to PISD supports that you and your family may wish to utilize throughout the year!

DISCLAIMER: The Schimelpfenig Middle School PTA is a noncommercial, nonsectarian, nonpartisan association that does not endorse any candidate or political party. This PTA does not endorse non-PTA products or services. If you have a concern, please contact a member of the PTA Executive Board.