Support the SMS students and teachers by showing that you value your child’s education by joining the PTA.  Memberships start at $12 and students are only $6 with a parent membership! As a benefit to members only, you will have access to an online directory as well as PTA member discounts. Student members receive special discounts during our spring and fall socials and have the opportunity to be involved in leadership opportunities. 

Join Schimelpfenig PTA      


We are very thankful to our PTA members!

Hello parents/ volunteers! We need your help!

The winter fest is coming up: FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 2022 5-8pm.

There will be food trucks, DJ, dancing and games. We will need volunteers to help earlier than the start time and for the last shift to help clean up. See below;

  • 4:30-6:30: first shift
  • 6:30-8:30: second shift

Thank you all for being flexible and willing to make these events a BLAST for our kids! 

Sign up here

Lunch-A-Palooza is THIS FRIDAY! If your student preordered a meal, they will receive a ticket on Friday during 4th period. They need to hold on to it. That is how they will get their pizza meal. After all students have their meal, the left-over pizza, chips, and drinks will be sold for only $1! There will also be CANDY for sale on Friday. All candy will be $2, so bring extra money! Get excited for Lunch-A-Palooza!

Help make Thanksgiving break easier on our staff by donating a pie for Thanksgiving Break! Drop off your donations to the front office by Thursday, November 17, end of school day, so teachers can take them home in time for break. Thank you Schim families for all of your support!

Texas PTA has acknowledged our PTA for not only doing incredible things for students and staff on our campus, but also for showing a commitment to excellence in running the business of PTA.

Spiritwear tax free day has been extended until 11/13 at 11:59pm.

Judges are needed at Schimelpfenig's 7th and 8th grade science fair on December 5th - 6th in our Distance Learning Lab. Projects will be judged without students present, but student backboards, logbooks, and notebooks will be available for judging. Please consider becoming a judge by completing the interest form linked below. Thank you! Please send questions to Rebecca Bottin at


Click here for Interest Form

Schimelpfenig and NJHS are hosting the annual Lunch-A-Palooza fundraiser on Friday, November 18th and we need your help during the two weeks of pre-sales collecting money and help day of with candy sales. If are able, please consider signing up for a slot to help. Sign Up Here



Tickets to attend the event are $10 per student OR $20 per family, dunking booth $5 for 3 tickets, and $2 for cake walk. This event is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Schimelpfenig students and families. 

Student PTA Members will receive one drink and one bagged snack item at no cost. All other drinks and snacks will be available for purchase by all attendees.  




Free snack and drink at Fall Festival on 11/4 for ALL students who are PTA members!

* Signup your students TODAY! Click to join

Parents! Sign up to donate to our AWESOME Schim Faculty!

$10 gift cards can be dropped off in the front office: there will be an envelope that says PTA Gifts on it.

Thank you for your support! Sign up here!

Volunteers NEEDED
Fall Social is coming up, Friday, November 4!
We will need volunteers for set up; at the event and clean up!
Stay tuned for details! Sign up to come!
Email With questions.





Order Spirit Wear

Panther News


     Jostens Yearbook 


The mission of Plano ISD's Family Education and Guidance Services is to strengthen all families in the community by providing education, resources and services which support raising responsible, self-confident, emotionally healthy children in today's complex society. Please visit HERE to gain access to PISD supports that you and your family may wish to utilize throughout the year!

DISCLAIMER: The Schimelpfenig Middle School PTA is a noncommercial, nonsectarian, nonpartisan association that does not endorse any candidate or political party. This PTA does not endorse non-PTA products or services. If you have a concern, please contact a member of the PTA Executive Board.