Support the SMS students and teachers by showing that you value your child’s education by joining the PTA.  Memberships start at $12 and students are only $6 with a parent membership! As a benefit to members only, you will have access to an online directory as well as PTA member discounts. Student members receive special discounts during our spring and fall socials and have the opportunity to be involved in leadership opportunities. 

Join Schimelpfenig PTA      


PTA enrollment for next school year is now OPEN! Please join the SMS PTA to enrich our kiddos educational experience, help our neediest students and fund FUN activities outside the classroom! Remember joining does not mean volunteering!

All PTA accounts become inactive every year in the summer. You need to log in to SMSPTA.ORG and become a CURRENT contact to keep receiving this e-Newsletter. Go to "My Account", then "Parent & Student Information".  Please do this ASAP so you don't miss any back to school news and updates from us!






SMS PTA would love some parent volunteers to help at the PTA table for our 2 upcoming events. Please consider to sign up below: 

****Cub Camp/Panther Preview****
Date: 08/01/2023 (Tue.)
Time: 8:30 pm - 2:30 pm; 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Adults/Parents Only 

NJHS Students Only 


****Back to School Celebration****
Date: 08/04/2023 (Fri.)
Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Adults/Parents Only


**Please make sure you have completed your Voly application.  All volunteers must be approved through Voly.**

Cub Camp is an orientation camp for incoming 6th graders to Schimelpfenig Middle School. It will be on Tuesday, August 1st from 9am – 12pm. It is for students and parents. Students will come and stay. Students will tour the campus, find their classes, and learn about all things middle school. Parents are not required to stay, but parents can stay for the optional parent sessions. These sessions will be informational regarding the school, classes, rules and policies, expectations, and many other topics. Parents should RSVP here:


Click here for the full flyer.








Panther Preview for 7th Graders and 8th Graders will take place on August 1, 1-4pm. It's your opportunity to pickup your school supply packs, walk your schedule, find your classes, buy Panther Spirit Wear, and see your friends! Can't wait to see you, Panthers!





Save the Date for Schimelpfenig Middle School's Back to School Celebration: August 4 at 5:00-7:00pm!


*Entertainment from our fine arts department

*Club Fair

*Guided campus tours

*Ask staff members and student leaders questions

*Walk your schedule

*See your friends!























Order your spirit wear TODAY, July 12th to be picked up during Cub Camp/Panther Preview on August 1st.


Click HERE to order.




For those who will be purchasing their own school supplies, click HERE for the list.










Date: May 18th

Time: 9:15am

Location: SMS Library


School supplies for next school year are now on sale! 

Purchase today and get a 10% discount using the link below:

Order Here






Order Spirit Wear

Panther News


     Jostens Yearbook 

The mission of Plano ISD's Family Education and Guidance Services is to strengthen all families in the community by providing education, resources and services which support raising responsible, self-confident, emotionally healthy children in today's complex society. Please visit HERE to gain access to PISD supports that you and your family may wish to utilize throughout the year!

DISCLAIMER: The Schimelpfenig Middle School PTA is a noncommercial, nonsectarian, nonpartisan association that does not endorse any candidate or political party. This PTA does not endorse non-PTA products or services. If you have a concern, please contact a member of the PTA Executive Board.