Support the SMS students and teachers by showing that you value your child’s education by joining the PTA.  Memberships start at $12 and students are only $6 with a parent membership! As a benefit to members only, you will have access to an online directory as well as PTA member discounts. Student members receive special discounts during our spring and fall socials and have the opportunity to be involved in leadership opportunities. 

Join Schimelpfenig PTA      


Our official picture retake day will take place on Tuesday, October 17th. If your student missed having his or her picture made earlier in the year or simply needs a new photo, please make sure to have them dress their best that day and come ready with a smile.


Click here to find their pictures to purchase if the student does not bring home their QR code.

Building Grit and Resilience in Middle School Learners

-Presented by Ramy Mahmoud, M.Ed

Whether it’s the transition from elementary, or the continued work-life balancing act as you approach high school, the middle school years are challenging. With new/ continuing responsibilities and expectations, learners can often find themselves at a tipping point. Come be part of the conversation as to how parents, learners, and educators can all work together to help nudge your learner down the "right" path of confidence, pride, and academic success.


Ramy Mahmoud is a national science specialist for Savvas Learning Company, a professor at UT-Dallas, a former PISD Teacher of the Year, and current parent of a Schim learner. Ramy has two TED talks and speaks all across the country about his passion: Engaging learners in the classroom. Ramy is learning to manage this transition just like the rest of us, but his insight on how to help learners build intrinsic motivation to overcome obstacles is powerful and will develop multiple stepping stones for parents and learners to build on together.

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the Annual PALS Socks for the Sole Sock Drive, an initiative that brings warmth and comfort to those in need within our Plano community. This year's Sock Drive will run through October 25th, and we encourage you to join us in making a positive impact. Please support us by donating new socks for youth and adults in one of the collection bins at Schim. There is one located outside of the gym and another bin in the main foyer near the cafeteria. All donated items will be shared with area nonprofit organizations that support the Plano homeless community. Please join our SMS PALs in showing compassion to our Plano community members in need by donating to this worthy cause.


Thank you in advance for helping our campus PALs join the PALs across the district in collecting new socks for the homeless community. If you have any questions, please reach out to our PALs sponsor, Kristin Zhang,

















































Thank you for making the Fall Carnival a success! We had over 200 students attend! We specifically want to thank our volunteers and the Credit Union of Texas. We could not have done it without you!







Mention that you are from Schimelpfenig and Raising Canes will donate 15% to PTA!


Wednesday, October 11th, 5:00pm - 10:00pm


6060 Coit Road, Plano, TX 75023















Did you know that Reflections has grown to be one of the largest nationwide programs of its kind, with more than 200,000 students participating annually? We want to see our Panthers' creativity and hear the voices of our students expressed through one of the SIX categories available.


Deadline is October 31st! Submit entries along with entry forms to the front office.


Please click HERE for details.







We have several vacant PTA positions for this coming school year. Trainings will be provided. If you are interested in volunteering for any of these positions below, please contact

➡️ Hospitality Chair

➡️ Community Outreach Chair




Support SMS Cheer through buying the Central Cluster Cheer shirt.  Form closes on Wednesday, October 18th.


Click HERE to order.











Click HERE to order.

































Spirit Night is one of the easiest way to support your PTA and school. On Wednesday September 13th, head over to Chipotle at 6917 Independence Pkwy Plano, TX 75023 and get a break from cooking. This event is between 4-8pm. 33% of event sales will be donated to Schimelpfenig PTA.


Show this flyer on your phone, or if you order online, enter code GHTM34Y in the fundraiser code box.

Tuesday, September 19 @ 8:00am


Save the date for our first PTA General Meeting of the year! Come join us at school and have a coffee and chat with Principal Kinnard. We will start at 8am with some important PTA business including voting on the budget followed by a chat with our principal.








Order Spirit Wear

Panther News


     Jostens Yearbook 

The mission of Plano ISD's Family Education and Guidance Services is to strengthen all families in the community by providing education, resources and services which support raising responsible, self-confident, emotionally healthy children in today's complex society. Please visit HERE to gain access to PISD supports that you and your family may wish to utilize throughout the year!

DISCLAIMER: The Schimelpfenig Middle School PTA is a noncommercial, nonsectarian, nonpartisan association that does not endorse any candidate or political party. This PTA does not endorse non-PTA products or services. If you have a concern, please contact a member of the PTA Executive Board.