Hello, Schimelpfenig PTA Members!
It's hard to believe that it's already May and this very different school year is soon coming to a close! But before it ends on May 27th, there is a lot happening! This week is national Teacher Appreciation Week. Don't forget to #ThankATeacher for all they have done for our students this year. Also this week, Algebra I students took an EOC exam. Next week, all students will take STAAR Reading, and some will take STAAR Math, Science, and Social Studies. We also have our last PTA General Assembly Meeting on Wednesday, May 19th at 6:00 p.m., and 8th grade students will be enjoying a special extended lunch on Tuesday, May 25th. And, of course, this Sunday, May 9th, is Mother's Day. Thank you to all Moms for everything that you do!
May is Mental Health Month
Since 1949, Mental Health America and affiliates across the country have observed May is Mental Health Month. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the mental health of people of all ages. Now, more than ever, it is critical to reduce the stigma around mental health struggles, because that stigma often prevents individuals from seeking help. Mental Health America’s 2021 Mental Health Month Toolkit #Tools2Thrive has practical tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency. Learn more at: MHA | Mental Health America (mhanational.org)
May is also National Physical Fitness & Sports Month

Each May the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition encourages Americans to #MoveinMay in celebration of National Physical Fitness & Sports Month. This year, the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition is teaming up with the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion’s (ODPHP) to promote safe physical activity while practicing social distancing with the Move Your Way campaign. Learn more at: Walk. Run. Dance. Play. What's your move? - Move Your Way | health.gov

Michele Rohleder
SMS PTA President 2020-2021
Schimelpfenig PTA is offering a $500 scholarship in support of the higher education goals of graduating Plano ISD seniors who are alumni of Schimelpfenig Middle School.
In order to be eligible for a scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following qualifications:
● Is a senior who will graduate in 2021 from a Plano ISD school.
● Attended Schimelpfenig Middle School from grades 6-8
● Must be a current student member of their high school PTSA
● Will be enrolled and attend full-time in an accredited college or a technical institute in the summer or fall immediately following high school graduation.
● Submit a completed application by May 12.
Details and application form are HERE. Questions? Email Karen at membership@smspta.org.

Here's an opportunity to participate in the first-ever Augmented Reality Science Fair.
Learn more by visiting
This is open to middle and high school students.

Registration: March 15, 2021- May 7, 2021
The Gateway Summer Engineering Camp will be a virtual, yet hands-on, project-based camp designed to introduce incoming 7th and 8th grade middle school students to the fundamentals of STEM and Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering courses within Plano ISD. Certified PLTW instructors provide expert instruction in a fun, exciting environment using leading-edge technologies to sample engineering related activities and projects and get a taste of how fun it can be to be an engineer.
Learn more about the camp and register at https://www.pisd.edu/gatewaycamp.
Click Here to Download the flyer!

At its December 8th meeting, the PISD Board of Trustees approved the 2021-2022 school calendar.
School will start on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 and end on Friday, May 27, 2022. Winter break will run from Dec. 20-Jan. 3, followed by a staff work day on Jan. 4. Spring break will be a bit longer next year, with students off from March 7-14 and returning to classes on Tuesday, March 15.
Click here to check the proposed calendar.
We have some fun treats planned for our awesome Schimelpfenig teachers and staff! Please help us by having your student(s) add to a virtual "thank you" to be presented to our teachers. The link is: https://www.tribute.co/sms-teachers-and-staff/

FREE! Vendor Fair Bag Pick Drive Through will be on Saturday, April 24th at the Plano ISD Administration Building at 2700 W. 15th Street, from 9:00 a.m. until the bags are gone!
Come to the Vendor Fair! Enter the virtual doors on May 1st staring at 10:00 a.m. and register to win one of many door prizes. Stroll through the list of participating vendors, stop to pick up a digital brochure and "click" to enter a virtual booth to learn more. More information is available here: Plano ISD Council of PTAs - Plano ISD, TX - Vendor Fair
Election Day is Saturday, May 1st. Early Voting starts on Monday, April 19th! For information about who is running for Plano ISD Board of Trustees, check out this voter guide from the Collin County League of Women Voters. The Trustees candidate information is available after the City Council races

1. Donate to the PTA online! Please visit here to donate online!
2. You just keep shopping – let these stores do the donating for you!
3. World Wear Project –Time for Spring Cleaning and donations to our World Wear bin! SMS PTA will receive an extra $100 if we can collect 2,500 lbs or more during the month of April. Please remember to place items in kitchen sized bags and only place one bag at a time in the bin. If items don't fit, please don't leave items on the ground. Come back later if the bin is full! Thank you!

Did you know? Earth Day started in the United States, conceived by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, inspired by Vietnam War protests and a massive oil spill off the coast of California in 1969. The first celebration of Earth Day was April 22, 1970. In 2009, the United Nations officially designated it, "International Mother Earth Day" though it is still just Earth Day here in the United States. Today, Earth Day is celebrated by over one billion people in 192 countries, making it the largest secular observance in the world.
This year's theme is Restore the Earth. If you are interested in learning more and/or viewing virtual Earth Day events, check out the official website at: www.earthday.org. Maybe today you will ride a bicycle, walk to school, recycle, or start using only reusable water bottles. Whatever you decide, definitely take some time to celebrate our beautiful planet!
SMS PTA is providing ice cream treats for all students this Friday, April 23rd. Treats will be offered to all F2F students during lunch periods.
For @Home students, only, we are offering drive-by pickup of ice cream treats after school from 3:45 to 4:30. Pickup location will be the bus drop-off area outside the cafeteria. If you plan to bring your @Home student, please sign up for a time-slot so that we can try to control the traffic flow.
We will be offering a choice of 6 ice cream bars -- all are nut-free, 4 are gluten free, 3 are non-chocolate, and 2 are dairy-free. Sign-up Genius is here!

Please join us for our next Virtual PTA General Assembly meeting on Wednesday, April 21st at 6:00 p.m.
Our program for the evening is Meet the Principal: Pamela Clark, Principal at Clark HS.
We are excited to have Ms. Clark joining us! We will also be voting on some budget changes and updating everyone on our end-of-year events. Please sign up by Tuesday, April 20 @ 6:00pm for our meeting; the meeting Agenda and link will be sent out the evening before the meeting.